Three years ago today you came into the world, a perfectly plump and rosy, 8 lb 6 oz bundle of joy. And a good thing it was that you were almost a full month early; already you did your mother proud with your consideration.
You were the baby we thought would never be. Hoping against hope, the journey to your arrival was a roller coaster ride. You don’t know the lengths that we went, the hoops we jumped through, the tears and hesitant hope that preceded your conception. The enormous efforts that were made to have you. And we would have gone further if we had to. All of that melted away as soon as I held you in my arms. And now that you, my precious, are here, you have so entrenched yourself into our hearts. There is nothing your Daddy and I would not do for you.

My baby has now grown into Little Miss Independent, a strong-willed, loquacious and precocious little thing. A mind of your own, an opinion about everything, and a fierce backseat driver, you never cease to astound us with the things that you say and that you do. And we see the love that you already have for your big brother. Although you’ll rarely admit it, even at this young age, we can see it in the way that you gaze at him, follow him about, and ask for him and talk about him whenever he’s not around.
Yes, there are moments when I miss that little baby. But those moments are overshadowed by the giggles that fill the house during ticklefests, the toy apple pies that you bake and present to us first thing in the morning, and the special times that you share with your Daddy making pancakes, with your Mommy baking cookies, and with your big brother playing hide-and-go-seek or Star Wars battle. The laughter and the joy that you bring to this household, and to your grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and your friends. Your proud telephone calls to your grandparents several times a day to announce another successful potty transaction. Just to make sure they know you're doing such a great job, and confirm that they will indeed provide you with three magic Skittles per potty time. Because that's the rate you negotiated. Such funny, adorable moments you are providing us. Snapshots that we will treasure always.
You continually amaze us with your fantastic personality. Where it comes from, we’re not quite sure. But we are sure about one thing… our world is such a better place with you in it.
We love you G. Happy, happy 3rd Birthday, Princess.

She's beautiful!
And the fashion sense! She must get that from her mom ;)
Sweet! Hapy Birthday Little Miss G!!!
Happy Birthday beautiful girl!
She is just beautiful - Happy Birthday Giselle - you are so loved and such a lucky little girl!
Karen Meg - I hope you and your beautiful family have a wonderful Christmas and a fabulous New Year - I am honored to know you. See you soon. Kellan
What a beautiful love letter to your little girl. And that last picture - She is getting too big, Karen! I see a big girl there!
Happy Birthday little G!
Hugs from Benjamin, Christopher, Heidi and Mike
Woohoo! Happy Birthday Giselle!
Karen - she's so precious! What a wonderful Christmas present she must have been...
amazing how these little beings steal our hearts!!
What a lovely post you wrote-it actually brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat!
That was wonderful - happy birthday Giselle!
She's so lovely. Hope she had a great birthday and a fun Christmas!
Awwwww!!! What a wonderful walk down memory lane. What precious photos too! Karen, you are totally blessed.
Happy B-day, Little G! She is so lovely!
I totally forgot that Little G's b-day was a few days after mine! xo
Awwwww!!! What a wonderful walk down memory lane. What precious photos too! Karen, you are totally blessed.
Happy B-day, Little G! She is so lovely!
I totally forgot that Little G's b-day was a few days after mine! xo
Happy Birthday Giselle!
You're such a beautiful girl :)...just like your mommy!
Awwwwww! Happy Birthday, oh GORGEOUS ONE! :) Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing. I hope the birthday was wonderful and that the celebrations keep on keeping on (how cheesy am I with that?) through Christmas! Nice!
Adorable! Happy Birthday to Giselle! She is gorgeous.
Awwww, happy birthday Giselle. She's such a beautiful girl!
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