Please share 12 of your favorite Christmas things: they can be memories, traditions, songs, presents, beliefs, whatever it is about this season that you love.
So here we go, 13 of my favourite Christmas things:
1/ Our family Christmas tradition with my hubby’s family … we do the roundrobin, with the siblings taking their turn hosting every Christmas. I’ve gotten used to spending Christmas Eve with Ian’s family since we started dating, and although it wasn’t quite the same after his Mom passed away, the tradition has carried on and changed with the arrival of small children. So we have a large household of the aunts, uncles, cousins and usually Moon, the dog, who we just don’t see nearly enough during the year.
The last time it was our turn, G was two days old. I didn’t even consider cancelling it… Ian just threw the bird in the oven, and the rest of my family, primarily my two sisters-in-law, pitched in and did everything else. All I had to do was sleep, feed baby, eat, and smile occasionally in my Mother-of-newborn baby haze, while L was having the most amazing time visiting with his awesome big cousins. I remember my sister-in-law joked that it might be worth having another baby when little G turned three, just so I wouldn’t have to lift a finger. Can’t say I didn’t think about it … but then my creaky bones and tired brain reminded me that we’re done, kaput, nothing’s going in my oven anymore.
2/ Our family Christmas tradition with my family. And this year it’s going to be even more fun, with the babies’ first Christmas, and L and G's over-the-top excitement. We go over to my parents’ for an amazing feast, that usually includes a big smorgasbord of everything from shrimp to ham. It’s great to spend the time with my parents and my siblings, especially now that we’ve got so many cousins. Although we see them more than Ian’s side, it’s still never really enough.
3/ Shopping. Yes, I love to shop, and I usually love to Christmas shop. Unfortunately only doing a whirlwind job of it this year, while I’m working to make more money to help pay for the renos and to … well, shop!!
4/ The kids’ picture with Santa – only now it’s just G (L refuses to get on Santa’s knee – started last year - *sob*). G had no problems with Santa this year, although she didn’t say much because in her own words, “Mommy, I didn’t talk too much, I was a little bit nervous.”. When did my baby become a little girl?
5/ Christmas music. I’m a sucker for it, and especially the “Do they know it’s Christmas” song recorded by all those cool Brits aka Band Aid, organized by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure. Yes, I heart ‘80’s. Whenever I hear that song it gets me right in the mood. It brings me back to my youth when I would listen for every word to figure out who was singing… Paul Young (the alive one); Boy George, George Michael, Bono; there’s Sting, Simon LeBon, hey, the guys from Spandau Ballet , Bananarama…who wasn’t there?
And I found an all Christmas music, all Christmas season radio station this year, which we are playing all the time. It’s EZ rock, (yeah, that station with John Tesh, I’m still not a huge fan of his, his music is a bit mellow for me. But I’m really enjoying the variety that they’re playing, from the old hits (Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, Johnny Mathis) to the newer, Michael Buble, Diana Krall. And the drummer boy song with Bing and David Bowie… a major Christmas classic in my books.
6/ The fun Christmas television and movies. I used to get so excited as soon as Rudolph, Frosty, Charlie Brown and all those specials came on when I was a kid. Now I don’t have nearly enough time to watch TV, but I hope I’ll catch “A Christmas Story” and “Elf” this year, both hilarious, family fare.
7/ Christmas decorations. Yes, I usually deck the halls, put up the tree, get the ornaments out, the house all spiffy. I actually managed to do that even this year.
8/ My baby’s birthday is just three days before Christmas. Life has been ever so wonderful since she came along.
9/ Christmas eating. So much to eat, so little time. This will encompass the turkey, the baking, all the goodies, my sister-in-law’s wonderful coffee cake, and of course chocolate.
10/ My kids’ faces on Christmas morning, as they look in wonder at what Santa brought them, marvel that Santa took a bite of the cookie and finished all the milk left for him the night before. And usually the carrots left for his reindeer are gone as well. Lots of Christmas excitement in the house, while the adults look on, weary from all night wrapping but savouring the moment with their hot coffee, toastie PJ’s still on and bedhead disarray.
11/ Quality time as a family, our little pack of four. No homework, no work work, just play time and relaxation. Maybe a day trip here and there.
12/ Quality time with my husband. All that vacation that he hasn’t taken all year, that he has to take before the end of the year = a good solid two weeks off for him, at the very least! And although a lot of that will be family time with the kids (as above), once they’re in bed, we can settle down with a nice glass of wine, Bailey’s maybe and get to know each other again.
13/ Christmas cheer. I love a good party, and although there were no formal ones this year, I enjoy the smaller, more casual get togethers as much if not more. As long as there’s alcohol involved (hey, my newest discovery courtesy of my husband, Smirnoff’s ready made Mojito …. Yummmmmmmm!).
There are a whole lot of other memories, including some wonderful images of Midnight mass, watching my brother sing at Massey Hall when he was a little tyke as a student at St. Michael’s Choir school (the little ones were the cutest!); enjoying the lovely performance of Handel’s Messiah at Massey Hall, thinking I was going to pitch over the railing during the Hallelujah…. so many lovely memories of Christmases past.
Okay, I know I'm supposed to send this to 12 other people but I’m so bad at this tagging thing and I'm sure most of the people I would tag would have already done it. I know, bah humbug me, spoil the fun. So if you feel like doing this one, it will certainly put you in the holiday spirit.
And look here, I got another award,

this time from my great bloggy friend Badness Jones and her Adventures with Princess and Badness himself! I’m so glad I stumbled onto her blog, and I can’t believe I was the first commenter EVER there! You should check her out, she’s a wonderful writer, mother, daughter, wife, friend…just a sweetheart.
So I’ll have to pass this along to a couple of blog pals. First and foremost, a blogging sensation by the name of Heidi at Viking Conquest. I’m lucky enough to have her as a friend in person, and I’m so glad she joined this wonderful world o’ blogging. She is an amazing writer, and making me and many other fans sooooo jealous of her life right now, with her lovely descriptions of her adventures in Norway with her boys. And yes, she really is as sweet and funny as she writes, no doubt about it.
Another is Kellan, although I suspect she’s got so many trophies they’re falling off her blog wall. Maybe it’s already there, but she is so deserving of another. She has this amazing spirit in her writing, a truly thoughtful and inspiring lady.
Oh so many new blog friends, so little time. Anna (great artist, wonderful mom), Melissa (my musician investor friend), Bill (you kill me with laughter), Sandy (smart, gorgeous, funny), Gina (thoughtful, soon to be famous novelist, I know it!), Lotus (photographer and blogger extraordinaire)....., I'm sure I've missed so many of you! So anyone who's reading this, take this one for yourself...I just wanna spread the love, because I HEART ALL of your blogs!
Aww - it's nice to hear from someone who reallyloves Christmas. Sounds like you really get in the spirit.
Sounds like you and yours really have a great time of it! I might try doing this meme over on my LiveJournal account.
Feel free to stop by:
Merry Christmas, along with Happy Thursday.
I can' t believe I forgot to mention SHOPPING as part of the Christmas joy... oi -- afterall, I am living in a city of shopping paradise.
I will SOOOOOOOOO check out these blogs that you're gushing about. I believe ya. LOL
You are sweetheart, Karen.
Can I just say that I loved the line '...and get to know each other again'. Ian and you are lucky, in so many ways. *sniff* Getting all emotional here.
I hope you have fab Xmas with the extended family. It sounds like quite the par-tay, and judging from the summer pictures of said family, it's going to be a hoot. Enjoy! Especially in that fabulous new kitchen of yours.
And I know your own family's Xmas will be super special too, with two little babies having their first ever. Lots of picture opportunities.
Sorry to be hogging your commenting space -- but a BIG CONGRATS on your award, and thank you for passing it on. I do love that award - it's a nifty design :)
Hugs to all of you! Heidi
Oh how lovely. I adore your TT.
You can read mine here.
You are a true Christmas elf! The T13ers by and large really are a merry set of Christmas spirits, but you get the crown. It sounds like you love Christmas and I hope it's absolutely as beautiful as it sounds. The Flatland Almanack --Damozel (adorable animals behaving oddly)
Excellent things to love about the holiday. I am making my rounds this morning, but posted yesterday hope you will drop by:
I might do that meme....if I can choose the 12 things about Christmas I love best! Sounds like two amazing celebrations for you guys....what a wonderful family you have!
And I'm blushing from the praise...thank you, you've made my whole week!
Tagged Again! I too am a total sucker for christmas music. It seems they don't write any classics anymore though. If I can do this one this weekend I absolutely will. Thanks for tagging me ;)
I loved you 13 wonderful Christmas things - I also love to see my children's faces on Christmas morning - there is just nothing like that, is there!!!
Congratulations on your award - it is a great award and I heart you blog too and you deserve this very nice award. And ... thank you so much for passing this great award onto me - coming from you I consider this a real honor. I love Heidi's site too and what a great friend she and you have been to me. Have a good weekend, Karen - I'll see you soon. Kellan
I love your list. It is reminiscent of my own. And I too love "Do they know it's Christmas?". It brings back so many memories that I get a bit teary-eyed when I hear it.
Very cool, Karen! CK also tagged me on that meme, but most of our contacts are mutual, so she beat me to the tagging part! LOL!
Hopefully, I'll get around to finally doing that meme sometime before Christmas!! LOL!
I love your Christmas cheer! I love Christmas, too! :-)
I got all teary at 10,11,&12. I am so feelin' those, too!
And thank you so much for the award. You're too kind.
Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!
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