One Day - and I've already dropped the ball on my New Year challenge.
Non functioning traffic lights at one of the busiest intersections in our neck of the burbs, at 9AM. Four way stop, then, people. Don't just pretend that because it's not working, it doesn't exist! Picture Karen gesticulating wildly with her right hand holding up 4-digits to anyone who's looking, as she takes her turn, honking into the intersection. Sheeesh!! ( I tried putting myself in their shoes, but couldn't do it. Just. Could. Not. They have a license to drive, so go back to driving school! And no children on board to witness said spectacle.)
One Boy - my seven year old son, who introduced me to motherhood, a most precious gift. That keeps on giving.
One Girl - my three year old daughter, whose arrival heralded a major shift in my lifestyle...all for the better.
One Soulmate - my husband, who really gets me, tolerates my neurotic tendencies and loves me in spite of it all.
One by U2 - shortlisted for our wedding song, but didn't quite make it.
One Day at a Time - a sitcom I loved as a kid. Remember how cute Valerie Bertinelli used to be? How shocked I was when she married Eddie Van Halen.
One Restaurant - just opened by Mark McEwan (chef/owner of North 44 and Bymark), which I'd like to try at some point, especially if I win a lottery.
One Blog - and a good thing too...
80%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
I thought this was low...can you imagine if I had more than ONE?
Non functioning traffic lights at one of the busiest intersections in our neck of the burbs, at 9AM. Four way stop, then, people. Don't just pretend that because it's not working, it doesn't exist! Picture Karen gesticulating wildly with her right hand holding up 4-digits to anyone who's looking, as she takes her turn, honking into the intersection. Sheeesh!! ( I tried putting myself in their shoes, but couldn't do it. Just. Could. Not. They have a license to drive, so go back to driving school! And no children on board to witness said spectacle.)
One Boy - my seven year old son, who introduced me to motherhood, a most precious gift. That keeps on giving.
One Girl - my three year old daughter, whose arrival heralded a major shift in my lifestyle...all for the better.
One Soulmate - my husband, who really gets me, tolerates my neurotic tendencies and loves me in spite of it all.
One by U2 - shortlisted for our wedding song, but didn't quite make it.
One Day at a Time - a sitcom I loved as a kid. Remember how cute Valerie Bertinelli used to be? How shocked I was when she married Eddie Van Halen.
One Restaurant - just opened by Mark McEwan (chef/owner of North 44 and Bymark), which I'd like to try at some point, especially if I win a lottery.
One Blog - and a good thing too...
80%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
I thought this was low...can you imagine if I had more than ONE?
Oh, dude. I'm the person who just sits there, paralyzed with fear and tying up the traffic whenever there's a malfunctioning signal. Then at some point, I usually decide to go balls out and plow blindly through, honking all the way. Your typical nightmare scenario, I'd say.
So what WAS your wedding song???
You may not have been able to put your self in their shoes this time, but you thought about it! and that's a step.
As soon as I read - One Day At a Time - the song came rushing into my head. Man, theme songs were so good back then.
Oh and I got 65% on that little blog addition quiz. I'm surprised it wasn't more! My husband would be surprised too!
I get so mad when people just fly through the intersection when the lights are out forgettign the rules...while those of us who do follow always end up with the honkers behind us and then we all get fed up...
Hey Rima, U2 "lost" out to LOST TOGETHER by Blue Rodeo. Yup, they far surpassed U2 in record sales (who?) but I love their sound
Cherry, thanks for the encouragement...you're too kind. I felt a bit of a be-atch after calming down a bit.
Danielle - those were the people I was most upset at... the ones going through like the lights fell off the face of the earth!
I am way too afraid to do that blogging quiz...
LOL! I'm worried that if I take that blogging quiz, I'd end up with 99% addicted or something!
Our wedding song was "A Moment Like This"...LOL! I know, "Ah, quel fromage!" But the words ring ever so true! :) Your wedding song is one of my all time faves. I saw Blue Rodeo in concert when I was in college. Love them!
It's probably good that the U2 song didn't make the cut. I mean, it's a great song, but probably not the best one to kick off a marriage.
only 80%????
thanks for sharing and keep working at upping that percentage...I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for sharing!
I got to do this quiz. I'm afraid it will be a high score!! Is that bad or good??
I'm only 48% addicted. Methinks that might be a tad low.
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