Slim pickin's but here are a few:
Stools are in...they go quite well with the highchair, don't you think?
Someone can't wait to see her baby cousin later this weekend:
A quick photo of the orchid ... my parents actually bought this for my hubs. He loves orchids and is great with plants. Let's hope I don't destroy it (Black thumb at your service):
Hands: *Baby* boy edition
Hands: Baby girl edition
Happy weekend to all WW!
Great shots! I love the stools, and I think they go very well with the highchair..LOL
Did you see the one picture I took of all my kids hands piled on top of mine?
I love your hand photos!!
Oh the hands are so beautiful. Love that orchid too. (I'm a black-thumber as well.)
The hand shots were my favorite.
I love orchids too but I've always been afraid to try to grow one...I too have a black thumb!
I love the hands. I'm going to have to steal that idea. *grin* The orchid is beautiful. I don't exactly have a black thumb, but my most successful plants are cacti.
Thanks for visiting me.
I love the stool and the highchair. And I mostly love that you don't mind mixing the two!!
Is that your snazzy WHITE laptop in see in the background?? Envy...
neat shots - the flower. killer. and the hands. can't 4get the hands. gr8!
mine's up - in case you know who I am, it's still me, rhonda. i've just changed my look and my name! i'm now Foster Me Up ;) i feel like i got new furniture *giggling*
Great pictures. I love the hands and the orchid - so pretty!
What, with the hands? Are you kidding me? that's fabulous!
The stool is lovely! even with the highchair as a companion.
Great photos Karen - I love the hands. Hope you are having a great weekend - see you soon. Kellan
haha. I love your photos. Good luck with the orchid. I am also an owner of black thumbs.
Beautiful shots! Your orchid is gorgeous, and I bet it's safer under your care than mine... Hand shots rock!
I love the hands shots. I adore baby hands :)
I love the bar stools. My husband has been begging for new ones. I would love something like this, but am afraid that one of our kids would fall off the back.
I love the pics of the hands with your boy and your girl. So sweet. Tbanks
Gorgeous photos.
I'm with everyone else.
The hand shots are wonderful.
Oh what sweet little hands :) The stool looks fabulous, even next to the high chair ;)
GReat pics!!
Her excitement is adorable, and those hand photos are incredibly precious. :-)
Love the photos, especially the hands ones! The orchid is really pretty, too.
I love the hand photos. I am also the black thumb in the family. Thankfully, my hus has a green one.
The stool is very cool!! That orchid is just beautiful! I had one..and killed it :-(
Karen--great photos!
The stools look great and the highchair is perfect level,too.
Hand shots are great. We haven't done any yet, but we've done cute ones of the kids feet at the beach.
The orchid is beautiful. I have a half green half black thumb. My cats tend to eat plants I tried to grow...my cat even found a way to actually eat a cactis!??!
Loved the pictures of the hands!
I love the hands, and your little girl is SUCH a cutie!!!
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