Sunday, May 04, 2008


So I'm catching up on all these blogs that I have just not had the time to visit lately. I've finally been able to add several newer blog finds to my reader so it'll be easier for me to keep track and not miss anything. And there's been some awesome material, news, interesting stuff that I thought I'd share with the hubs. Conversation that doesn't revolve around the kids.

As we're making dinner, I'm busy chatting away, filling him in on some of these hilarious stories, how there are so many talented people out there.... blah, blah, blah-de-blah...

And he shuts me down as he's taking the sausages out onto the deck to barbecue.

"Sorry, I'm busy..." giving me a wry "sorta" smile as he shuts the door behind him, cutting me off mid-sentence.

What the ...?!!!!

Well, I'm none too pleased. Yeah, I get that this blogging stuff may be tiresome, but there's no need to be rude - ish. (I know that this is part of his personality, but every three years or so I let it get to me).

I'm fuming while stirring the pasta, and the girlie walks into the kitchen and says "Where's Daddy?"

"He's out on the deck being a pain", I respond. (Maturity, not my #1 trait).

"Oh." she says.

Then she screams through the glass door, "Daddy, why are you outside being a PAIN?"

She's got my back, my girlie does.

(Apparently he was joking, pulling my chain, knowing he would get a rise out of me. He's unbelievably good at this, still after all these years. I should know this by now, grrrr.)


Sarah said...

LMAO!! My hubby pulls that too. My girls aren't QUITE old enough to help me out, though.

Susiewearsthepants said...

LOL, I was fooled right to the end. I was thinking, "I've never visited this blog, but I don't know about this guy". Glad he was just giving you a hard time.

JCK said...

Your husband knows you well it seems...

My husband claims that he never sees me anymore due to blogging. It is only a slight exaggeration.

Unknown said...

Baby Daddy is quite serious when he walks away from me while I'm talking about blogging - kinda like I do when he starts talking about World of Warcraft and various other video games :) To each his own, in our house!

Momisodes said...

Oh man, hubbs pulls this stuff on my all the time. I get the eye roll, and a head turn :(

Don't they understand the importance of the blogosphere ;)

Family Adventure said...

You are quite the team, the girlie and you. I can only imagine what would happen if Ian really did something wrong... :)


Gina said...

Gotta love that girlie!

Franny said...

Too Funny! I feel ya, my hubby's latest thing is to mock me by saying "so today on so and so's blog I was reading about how the sky is blue.." Yadda Yadda. That's when I walk away because He's just jealous.

I too get constant reminders of how my husband knows me all too well and knows just how to push my buttons.

Anonymous said...

GRRR... My husband does that kind of crap all the time to me.. drives me insane.. but I do have my three year old getting my back now that he is old enough to "get" what I am saying..hahaa

Laski said...

Oh does she!!! The same things happens here! I am chatting away with T about all the cool people I meet and he just fluffs me off. I WILL NOT be FLUFFED!!! NO WAY.

Yeah, and every 3 years or so his attitude can get to me . . . sometimes every 3 days . . .

If I can deal with his bowling, he can deal with my blogging, gosh darn it!

sybil law said...

Just like my kid! Girls know how to stick together!!!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

HA! I might have given him a pain where he can't scratch for that one.

I'm mature like that ;-)

April said...

I don't even try to talk to my family about my blogosphere world. They just don't get it. They weren't even excited about the article in Root & Sprout!

Anna-b-bonkers said...

Sounds like my hubby. He gets everyone all confused and then interrupts with, "hey did you see the latest NHL playoff standings....blah...blah...statistics...blah..."
it is like we are speaking different languages.

Kori said...

Whew. I was kind of thinking "what a jerk!" but now am glad I don't have to!

María said...

I was fooled too! LOL

jennyonthespot said...

I know! My man does the same thing! It's comforting to know I am not alone....

KJ said...

That's cute. The girl... not the annoying hubby. Mine says crap to me too that he knows will get under my skin and then just laughs and says, "but i'm cute!" I'm like... dude. You're not THAT cute.

imbeingheldhostage said...

blogging is good for you. It's therapeutic-- CNN says so. :-)


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