Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weekly Winners #50 - What a Week

It's been quite the week. Here are highlights from the girlie's perspective.

And thank heaven for little girls...

"I'm glad Mommy had the energy to take me to the gingerbread house decorating class. My favourite part was the icing glue. Yum."

My birthday party - look at me, I'm queen of the world!!

"Yay, big bro made it!!! Just in time for the singing and the cake!"

My family photo at the party. I'm playing shy, Mommy and Lboy have their commercial smiles on, and Daddy looks like he's ready to go skiing or do something else...

Back at home, opened presents and found a cupcake icing machine! Yum, strawberry frosting...

Chocolate cupcake ready to be frosted...

Ta-da! End to the perfect birthday party day!

For other winners, visit LOTUS.


Badness Jones said...

Happy Birthday! What great photos.

Texasholly said...

We celebrated a birthday this week too. What fun. It looks like a good day was had by all.

tiarastantrums said...

looks like a great week - great photos!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how cute! And Happy Birthday to your cutie pie little girl.

Ingrid said...

Happy birthday, such cute pictures !

Anonymous said...

Great pics from the b-day celebration! You have super cute kiddies! Hope you're feeling better :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to say~Happy B-day to your daughter!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to say~Happy B-day to your daughter!

Anonymous said...

Awwww HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sweetheart!

Danifred said...

My daughter was also a huge fan of the gingerbread icing. Looks like a great party!

April said...

Looks like she had a great bday!

Tara R. said...

That gingerbread house is awesome. Looks like a wonderful week of parties and fun.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Looks like a great birthday. Nice photos too.

Mrs4444 said...

What a face; the one with the cupcake machine. Sounds like you couldn't have picked a better gift for her :)

Miss said...

That looks like a blast! Happy Birthday!

J said...

My daughter is on the next flight up, because she totally wants to play with that frosting machine!

Jocelyn said...

I feel that you're possibly creating an unhealthy "icing" reliance in your girl.

From gingerbread to cupcakes, she's constantly bombarded. What kind of therapy will she need in the future? She might have to have an icing-obotomy.

Anonymous said...

That looks like such a fun gift!!! Yum.. Happy Birthday to your princess!!!

Jientje said...

A cupcake icing machine?
I'd want that for my birthday !
Lovely pictures!


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