I then boarded the bus with the other bloghers, looking forward to what would be the first of many events of the evening. And this vivacious bundle of energy sat down in the seat just across from me. She had been moving from conversation to conversation, not missing a beat. I recognized her, as her blog was in some of the same circles as others that I frequented. It wasn't just any blog - she writes with passion and poignancy, with honesty and hilarity, and you would be guaranteed to be glued to your screen once you logged onto her site(s).
But I didn't know her, and we had never met. I was lucky that day.
"Hi, how ARE you?", she said to me with the wide smile on her face, in the most welcoming tone, as if we'd known each other forever and we had just had coffee a few days earlier.
I was great, especially after meeting the wonderful Anissa Mayhew.
Meeting and chatting with her for just a little bit at BlogHer was one of the highlights of the experience for me.
After Chicago, I kept up the conversations with her whenever I could, via her blog(s), twitter, always reading while stifling a giggle or grinning from ear to ear.
Now that my life has changed somewhat since that fairly carefree summer, I have to admit that I have been delinquent in the blogging aspect of my life. So imagine my shock when I read yesterday, that Anissa had a massive stroke last week and is now fighting to recover.
What???!!! After all that she and her family have already endured. She is only 35 years old!
This isn't right. So I'm posting for Anissa, for her family. I feel so helpless, and this seems so very little. But it is something. Go here for more info on how you can make a difference. (I'm losing my blogging chops as there's a beautiful button that I can't get to work on here...).
She is fighting, hard. And we're hoping for that miracle.
(for updates from her husband, check out her original blog)
I am still in shock over what happened to Anissa. I can't help but think how lucky I am - and I can't help but hope that she is going to turn out to be equally as lucky.
Sending good thoughts...
I am still in shock over the news, and my heart aches for Anissa and her family.
I am thinking of them everyday.
I'm seeing this everywhere...poor Anissa. Much love sent her way.
That is so terribly sad. You are such a good friend Karen. My thoughts are with her. She sound incredibly strong, may that strenght carry her and her family through.
Oh, Karen! Reading this post made me realize how amazing it is that we can form friendships and relationships with people we've met in the blog world and how they become a part of our lives.
I'm off to check out Anissa's blog. Sending lots of positive thoughts to her and her family.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend Karen. My friend's daughter, who is around 40, had a similarly devastating stroke earlier this year, but she is fighting her way back. It's a long hard road. Anissa sounds like a strong woman. Just keep sending her love and good thoughts. It will help.
What an awesome and heartfelt post about Anissa--she is continually in my thoughts and prayers...
What a sad story. It is amazing to me how the blog world is connecting all of these human stories together. My well wishes go out to Anissa.
Stopping by from SITS.
Three words.. I love it!
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