(say hi to my Pal Mrs 4444 while you're there)
I have so many thoughts and ideas floating around and wish I could capture them as soon as they appear. Usually by the time I get some blog time, though, I draw blanks. Or fragments, so here we are...
I still feel the uncomfortable weight of my lardy beef tourtiere dinner from last night, in the bottom of my gut. It was so good that I couldn't stop when I should have.
The bonus was that I didn't even cook it. Anything tastes better when you don't make it yourself.
So it was worth it.
We had a wonderful weekend away last week. We travelled north to stay at the lovely resort that we stayed at over Labour day last year. I was in such a different place back then - and I can't believe it was only months ago. Months! It seems like it was light years.
What a great time to connect with my kids, though, and more importantly, with my husband again. Our business travel these past few months has been absolutely crazy. Ships passing in the night, that's what we are. And then the nights that we are home together, the kids are staying up so late that we pretty much pass out as soon as they're in bed as well. To sleep. So sad.
The weather was gorgeous, the hotel was gorgeous, the food was great, I attended a Yogalates class and I managed to read a BOOK! An almost 500 page book, by the way, that I picked up on Friday to read in time for my book club meeting on Wednesday.
It was probably not a great a read as I thought it was at the time. But for me, just to have had the time to spend lying by the pool to get through it, was heavenly.
Speaking of pool, I was lamenting the fact that my ass now looks flatter than ever. I guess buoyant butt is not synonymous with 40-something mom, even on the best of days. But I've always considered that one of my best features (without any hint of conceit, of course), and I had to mention my dismay to my husband.
Geez, gravity is really hitting me, and my best feature too! *Sob*.
My husband replied, "What is my best feature?"
Hear the crickets?
He laughed.
"Well, I was thinking! I don't know, it's a tough one to narrow down!", I laughed back at him.
A little too little, and a lot too late.
But we had a good laugh over it. After all, we both know what we looked like in our heyday, so at least we have the memories.
So my favourite, Lee DeWyze won American Idol. His reaction was priceless - he seems like such a sweet boy.
But what a disappointment his performance was on Tuesday - I guess the nerves got the best of him. Crystal really outdid him, big time. And I'm not sure "Beautiful Day" is the best song choice for his new single - Bono he is not.
I guess at the end of the day, they both win. With Simon being the biggest winner of all, of course.
The weather has been just scorchers, so we're hoping for some relief. My mom's birthday is this weekend, and we'll have a celebration. I got her 4 boxes of her favourite crispy thin crackers. If her reaction to her Mother's Day gift is any indication, (5 of her most favourite, hard-to-find- non-scratch kitchen sponges! "The best gift ever!") I think she'll like her birthday present too! No Chanel perfume for this one!
Have a good one!
Have a great weekend. And Happy Birthday to the lady that gave us YOU! She did good.
I am so glad you had such a great weekend. It is so important to connect with the hubby again. When my hubby and I do manage to get away we are always say, "Oh! So that is why I like you so much!" It is so easy to forget sometimes. ;)
HAHA!! Your mom sounds just like mine! We took her to a very simply family restaurant for Mother's Day and she said, "This is the best breakfast I've ever had IN MY LIFE!!!" We laughed so hard!
Have a great weekend!
I want to come there! It's rainy and cold here and has been for DAYS. Glad you had a great get away with you family, so nice to reconnect when life gets busy.
My hubs and I are feeling same and we don't even travel. With soccer and piano...it's busy.
Have a great weekend!
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