Sunday, November 29, 2015

You CAN teach an old ...

One of the wonderful things about my monthly book club with the neighbourhood ladies is that once we finish up talking about the book ( which can last about 30 seconds if we couldn't get into it) conversations will always drift to something else, topics ranging from relationships with our kids, spouses, to household tips (who knew the power of Oxy to tackle red wine spills on white dining chairs or tabouli encrusted Berber rug-witnessed live, I kid you not).

My latest learning was the 50 second microwave poached egg in a cup.

I put it to to the test this morning for a fairly healthy breakfast -look, avocado, good fat!

So easy I can't believe I did not know this.

What do you do?

Put 1/2 cup of cold water in a microwaveable bowl or mug. Needs to be cold water.
Gently crack an egg into the water, ensuring the egg is submerged.
Put in microwave and cover with saucer.
Turn microwave on at high for 50 seconds.  This gives a slightly runny egg, you can adjust the time depending on how runny you would like.
Take egg out with slotted spoon (see  below).

Enjoy! Like I did. Happy rest of weekend and cyber Monday-ing...

1 comment:

J said...

I've never had the guts to try microwave poaching an egg, but this may get me to change my mind. Yum!

Also, have you tried topping your avocado toast with lemon pepper? So good.


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