Then I decided to hit my fave Bodyjam class with the awesome TJ, fab instructor, he's cute as a button, keeps me in stitches with his witty quips about clubbing, "Will you ring my bell? Throw that ponytail in the air, holla backgirl !!!!" We were moving to some James Brown, music more vintage than me, even! But classic. Gotta take a video sometime and post it here - it's killer fun. And it's where I've discovered my flat ass can be shaken like a booty; sort of.
So back to Saturday. I took girlie G with me, as she doesn't mind the childminding at the gym. And Dad got some quality time with his garden.
I'm the black thumb. Ian's the green, and he loves to be out there with his plants. A great day for him is going to the nursery, picking up some nice plants and setting them up in the garden. Accompanied by some tunes blaring from the minivan, and some brews. He was on his own, and he loved it. Dads need their quiet time too. And in his words "instant gratification".
When we got home after picking up Liam, Ian was happy to show us his handiwork. There's a patch that has been notoriously bad for any plant/bush we've had in the 7 years we've been here. He decided to dig it out, fill it with new soil, planted a lovely black-eyed Susan. We'll keep our fingers crossed that this will work.
Giselle was paying attention to her Dad's description. I'm trying to figure out how to put the video on here of her soliloquy (my files are too big and I'm soooo not a techie). So here's a photo of the two of them in the garden anyway...

I would love to take some kind of class like that; it just sounds SO fun to me!
Hi Janssen - I just love it! If you get a chance you should look for "Bodyjam" on Youtube - they have some neat video that shows what a typical class/party looks like!
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