I took the kids shopping after school today for new shoes. L, because his feet are getting big so fast - and with the orthotics now in place, I figured we should make sure his shoes fit as well. And G because although she has about a dozen pairs of sandals, she only has one pair of running shoes, and they're getting small. Yes, I went on a bit of a shopping spree for the girlie back in the spring - seeing those little toddler toes in those sandals was so irresistible.
We went to the Shoe Company as I usually do well there - the kids section is very kid-friendly, usually with a video playing, and a little "castle" where the kids can sit and try the shoes on. And a mirror from the funhouse, where they could make funny faces at each other. After grabbing a few pairs of Skechers for L to try, we popped over to the clearance section at the back. I always check there for G as at the rate she's growing, we're lucky if she can stay in one pair for half a year. I scoured the wall looking for runners in her size, but saw nothing but sandals upon sandals.
But then I heard her pixie voice calling me and saying "Mommy, I want these ones, with pretty laces.". I looked down at her and noticed she was carrying a box with white runners and not one but two laces, white and pink interlaced. The thing that I also noticed right away was the brand - Phat Farm! Regular suggested retail price $60; their price $39.99; but then clearance prices $29.99 and then $23.99. They were the only shoes in her size in that section, and G found them. She promptly made me put them on her, and even asked me to roll up her pants so she could see them as she ran.
I have to admit, I am brandname, designer name conscious, but I feared that the laces would not be too practical. At this age (well, probably even at my age but you'd never catch me in them) velcro is the way to go. So I looked further for some velcro offerings, and found some OshKosh and Keds in her size. Do you think I could get them anywhere near her feet? She screamed and ran away, up and down the aisles as if the shoe-witch were after her. There was no way we were leaving the store without the Phat Farms on her twinkle toes. So I gave up, and decided that we would just make do with these (admittedly fab) tie-up runners.
Meanwhile, big brother had settled on a cool pair of red and black Skechers, complete with a mini-flashlight keychain. At an even cooler $20 less than a similar pair we saw at Kiddie Kobbler (thank goodness they didn't have his size there!).
The very helpful salesperson (fancy that, some luck today!) told me to check back in a few weeks for other shoes that the girl might like, as the new lines would be coming in. And while he was at it, he noticed that the shoes were incorrectly priced... they should have been FURTHER reduced to $15.99!
No wonder the girlie was running away from me. She was probably thinking "Get away from me Mommy, are you nuts?! These are an absolute steal!"

Those are 'PHAT'!
Sorry I just had to say it.
Ahh, the skill to find a deal. She's a young one, but she will do you well.
Haha Cherry - love it! Thanks for popping in! I know, it's scary - gotta start working again soon if these spending habits keep up!
Ok - I totally knew G would have this fashionista streak after you told her "ice-cream would ruin your dress" moment... totally classic. LOL
CK, I forgot about how quickly that quieted her "I want ice-cream" wailing!!
I love getting deals. It's like a little victory each time! Cute shoes!!
Jane, Pinks & Blues
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