Alas, there was a life before this Stay-At-Home-ness. There was a career, a job at a big company that had big celebrations at holiday time. And often even throughout the year at annual meetings, product launches, or just because the company was doing well. When most companies were doing well.
Being a girlie-girl, and self-professed shopaholic, it’s been an annual tradition of mine to purchase a party frock to attend these “galas” of both mine and my husband’s organizations. I always rationalized the purchases with the fact that I would actually wear the outfit more than once (practical woman that I am) as chances were remote that the same people would be at both parties. So these lovely numbers wouldn’t necessarily rot in my closet after only one appearance. I still somehow managed to keep this tradition up the last two years even though there’s only been the one company function. After all, I still have to look half decent as the “wife” of my “company guy” husband.
Well, this year, there won’t be the usual holiday affair. Which I’ve heard is becoming more the norm as companies are tightening the belts, people are wanting to be rewarded in other ways (eg. more family time; or just “show me the money”); not everyone wants to “party all the time, party all the time” with workmates and the spouses whose names they always forget. But Ian’s group will still be having something, hosted by his boss. A smaller, more intimate but decidedly more casual affair. Which should be fun.
But enough preamble. Let’s wipe away the cobwebs and journey through holiday glam party dress past... (apologies for the fuzziness - time is short, blurry had to do)
This grey number with satiny gun metal bust is as close as I got to Herve Leger corset style. As in it hugged the body amazingly well. I was so happy to still be able to get into it after Liam was born. But only just... haven't tried again since, don't want to witness too much unnecessary fold action:
This cute thing Ian called my ugly carpet dress. Nice guy, isn't he? He just doesn't understand fashion. It's a dress by the defunct but now born again Damzels in this Dress, a Canadian design duo. Another clingy number, I really liked the buckle shoulder straps. Again, not worn since before baby girl was born. But I'd still like to if Ian decides to wear blinders.

This dress I loved for its back. It's a dark brown velour fabric, oh so comfortable , oh so elegant, to the floor. Perfect for winter.

This following sparkly number I bought four years ago for my brother's wedding. I call it my Joan Collins Dynasty dress. Because I am soooo not a sparkly glitter type of gal. But for some reason this spoke to me, and unfortunately nobody had to fortitude to speak to ME about how tacky it might be.

I did however, wear it again because I paid a bloody amount more than I should have. So here we are in our holiday glory the year before I got pregnant with little G:

I picked up this BCBG Max Azria gown earlier this year to attend the Brazilian Ball. What a spectacle that was! I loved the gown, although I had to wear toe-splitting heels in order to carry off the length. Thank goodness I had my Crocs to drive home in.
I did post about those festivities. But as a reminder of how it looked on, with the perfect accessory: But this is my favourite dress so far. It's my beloved Nicole Miller cocktail length I picked up for last year's gala. Love this number, even though Liam calls it my "garbage bag" dress.
It can be dressed up as much as much as I like, but I could still probably get away with wearing it just out for a nice night on the town. With the hubby. Something that's long overdue ... what a good idea! I think that can be arranged.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends to the south, and happy weekend to all!
I love your list of dresses. They all look fabulous as do you in them. I sure miss those parties that we used to attend, but I am sure there will be more of those in the future.
You have great taste Karen! I have to figure out what to wear to our upcoming work party and I'm dreading the whole thing. It isn't a dressy party but it's not really casual either. I think I would prefer the kind of party that you have to dress up for.. I need uniform guidelines!
Cute dresses - I loved them all. We are going out tomorrow night, my hubby and I - doing dancing, like in the good ol' days - take care and see you soon. Kellan
I remember dressing like a grownup...sigh...Although now that I have discovered Chicos and Coldwater Creek, I can accomplish this a little more often.
Most of the dresses are great, but I gotta agree with Ian on the carpet dress. And the "accessory" is, um, interesting. :)
That was you at the Brazilian Ball! Now I remember you. We both look spectacular in that picture don't we ;) Well, at least you do.
FAB dresses (especially to me-who-lives-in-lululemons!)!!!! YOu look HOTT in the pics, too! WTF is that picture of you with that topless dude! ;) Funneee!
Next time I have to go shopping for a gala're coming with me!
bm- thanks; it is fun to get all dressed up; sort of forget how to do that when you're in the middle of cleaning up doo-doo and spit up. But those days will come again!
Gina- have fun at the party. The standard little black dress (LBD) is perfect for that type of party.
Kellan- have fun dancing with your man! Sounds like fun - great to take the time to do that as a couple!
Melissa - Ian would be happy to have you agree with him :). I think you have to see it on to appreciate it, though ;). It does look like a carpet bag on the hanger.
Bill - so glad you shaved for that evening. I miss that headdress...
Thanks Hales! Lulus are fab, aren't they? Near naked guys are a perfect pick me up. I should take him out with me more often.
Hey badness, you're on. I love to shop! And it would be fun - you're a cutie - would love to dress you up!
You have some awesome dresses, woman! And you look good in them. I really like the carpet dress, BTW.
I had a black tie dinner disaster last year at hubby's holiday event. I was wearing a strapless side zip number and the zipper broke - quite early in the evening, I might add. It's really hard to eat or dance or even have a conversation when your arms are ramrod straight at your sides in a vain attempt to keep your dress from dropping to the floor!
Karen, you are such a hottie! I remember when I was in Toronto last, and you were wearing the cutest outfit ever...I thought, "WOW! Karen's totally stylin'"!!! I love your taste in clothes!!! I can totally see where Little G gets her fashionista gene from! ;) xo
Great dresses! Love the brown velour one, especially how you described it-- makes me want to find an event I can wear a gown to- the only one I have was a black mermaid one I bought as a joke at a thrift store for a Halloween costume (I had to fight three teenagers for it!) As for the "folds" or ill fit-- buy some SPANX.
Wow, what a slew of fab desses! I miss getting dresssed up for parties, what fun!
I want to see a photo of you with the last one looks so cute!
Damn, girl, you're hawt!
I like the brown velour and the Nicole Miller.
ok...answered your meme!
ok... educate me on the Lululemon yoga pants! Apparently we're getting a store here soon! Yay! I'm excited and I don't even know anything about them!
You're dresses are all beautiful. I think its fun to get all dressed up occasionally because even though I work in an office, it's a casual office and I probably take that casual thing a bit too far!
Ok - I remember that Brazilian gala photos... and honey, you can't keep posing with half naked men, no one will ever look at YOUR dress! All I can see is the naked man!!
But seriously, I love that cocktail dress you have. It's very sweet, and you definitely have the body to pull it off.
I love all of these dresses--you have excellent taste!
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