( Okay, I'm totally skipping the bullying-worthy years... after all, this is my blog. Still there are some guffaw-inspiring pics upcoming...)
High school post-braces and after-contacts!!!! Whoo,-hoo- dig that Farrah/Little House/ Leather Bowtie look..
High school grad. No such thing as flat irons yet. This is what happens when an Asian girl with stick straight hair wants to do the Madonna-Like-A-Virgin curl ... and it goes horribly wrong. Nothing like capturing that for all eternity during a momentous occasion... and again on your blog.
Dating, hotness (well, as hot as I got) years ahead...
Jodphurs and thigh-high riding boots! Longer shag-me hair, though.

The Married Years
Wedding photo... Bob #1

I did what one of my male friends complain that women all do once they get married. I got shorn. Actually, this didn't look so bad...over a decade before Posh Beckham made it "in" again... I look happy. Must be in Barbados or something...

Oh look, it gets worse! How to look like you're a forty year old suburban mom before you hit 30. Or how to rock the sweatshirt over Dexy's Midnight Runners overalls. Not good.

Bob #2. Grad school convocation with my baby boy as a bonus. Boy L was 18 months old here.
Work function, so looking very coiffed. Also a little bloated from fertility drugs, TTC #2, about 10 pounds heavier than my ideal weight. Thought that by slimming the photo with cropping technology I might look trimmer. Probably not.
Baby girl is 4 months old here as big brother turns 5. Mommy needs a haircut - badly.
And she does it, finally. Baby girl is just over two. Happy bangs.
Bob #3. This was after a summer of long hair. And it's a little red.
I think I liked it better as it grew... I can barely contain myself.

And the most recent cut? Welcome to the house of DORA!!!!!
This is me normally; not so poufed. I'm also thinking about going back to my natural (not grey yet though) colour. For something completely different.
LOVE the photos, Karen! You look gorgeous, amiga! ;)
P.S. Yay! I actually got to leave the first comment!
You are adorable!! I love your hair cut now.. too cute!!!
You are beautiful! And you wear a LOT of different hair styles so well. I'm jealous! But not so much of the leather bow tie.
That was so fun seeing you grow up and change. I have so few pictures of myself since marriage 15 years ago.
You're a pretty good looking gal, since, well, since birth!
Very cute current haircut!
Hey!! you, my dear, do great hair!! Wasn't that fun?!?! Back in January, Mrs. G. did a "hair retrospective" and in one of her comments to me, threw out a challenge...so I did...and so did a few others....Go and check it out...the first post is at http://kuroiwafamily.blogspot.com/2008/01/meeting-hair-challenge.html There are 3 posts in total....just click "older post" to get the next one!!!
It's funny to see that so many of us had some of the same hairstyles!!!
Happy Easter!!!
You look like harry potter in one of the photos. xD
You look good with all the different hairstyles! I wish I could fine ONE that looks good on me! Happy Easter, Karen MEG! :-)
You look beautiful! I'll have to see if I can find some photos of myself and do a similar post. It's kinda fun! Thanks for sharing!
Love the pictures! How BRAVE are you? You are such a pretty lady! I love your hair...I just cut all mine off again...but, I am growing it back out...thanks for stopping by today...have yourself a Happy Easter!
Hugs from Tx!
You are so cute! And lucky you ... you have great hair to boot. I'm jealous.
you're gorgeous at every age and completely brave to post those pics of yourself. i'll never do it!
thanks for stopping by my blog and for the encouragement. i'm feeling the love!
and i love YOUR blog. i'll be back.
I love hair posts! You are gorgeous in ALL the doo's!
Great Post. I had a lot of remarkably similar styles... Eeew and I remember those jodphurs hehehehe
cheers Kim
I love the bob on you!
With you straight hair, you rick it! I mean rock it, ha, ha!
All the older photo's were so cute, it was neat to see the hair evolution. ;-)
The Dora pic, too funny!
Those are great! Your post had me cracking up, too. You're hilarious.
A cute stroll down memory lane... I would be afraid to bring out some of my varied and sundry coifs...
blog hoppin' - etcetera
I could never do that - mainly because my hair has changed very little in 30-something years. Except for a bad jr. high "chola" hairstyle that I'd much rather forget entirely!
Blog Hoppin',
Balancing Hops
Oh that was so fun Karen, thanks! You are one good looking lady, I don't really think any of the styles are unflattering. I did laugh out loud when you described your latest as Dora though ;-)
But you look great, Dora totally copied you dude!
You really are super cute! And I do love me some hair posts!! I'm big on changing up hair styles. I'm DYING to do something drastic with my own hair color and as soon as I can afford to I'm going to get a professional to give me a shit load of highlights so I can start down the road to blonde-hood. Yep, I'm going for the gold baby!!
Very cool photos! You're so cute! And I love the hair now. Thanks for stopping by my blog too!
I have a photo of me in third grade that is SO similiar to the second picture. My jumper was blue, and my hair was blond, but it's the smae blouse, the same pose, and the same smile. The only real difference is that you were a much cuter kid than I was!
You are the cutest little thing ever! Love the pictures!
FUN pictures! I had a leather bowtie too - we were both VERY cool, obviously. You look great with short hair, while I look... not great.
Oh oh! I had the mushroom hair too when I was a kid! And I had permed hair too when I was in high school!
But of course, mine wasn't as naturelle as yours... and not as cute.
Dang. ;)
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