I’ve signed up for a suicide mission.
My obsession for Bodyjam has gone to the next level. It’s a party night for me. For come 5:30 pm this afternoon, I will embark on ...
not one...
not two ...
not three, but ...
... a frickin’ FOUR hour dance marathon to raise funds for Dance4life.
It’s being run by my Goodlife gym. I am pumped, excited, and a little nervous. I’m not kidding when I say the rest of my team is likely at least a decade or more younger than I am. No intimidation there.
So if I’m going to throw something out, I may as well look good, right?
I hereby present the various Lulu’s being contemplated for tonight’s festivities… (finally, some images more wrinkly than my visage)
My obsession for Bodyjam has gone to the next level. It’s a party night for me. For come 5:30 pm this afternoon, I will embark on ...
not one...
not two ...
not three, but ...
... a frickin’ FOUR hour dance marathon to raise funds for Dance4life.
It’s being run by my Goodlife gym. I am pumped, excited, and a little nervous. I’m not kidding when I say the rest of my team is likely at least a decade or more younger than I am. No intimidation there.
So if I’m going to throw something out, I may as well look good, right?
I hereby present the various Lulu’s being contemplated for tonight’s festivities… (finally, some images more wrinkly than my visage)
The four tops:
Dark and sleek?
Short and sassy?
The hoodie will do
(This is ridiculous, I really should buy shares in this company ...)
I’ll be off with my water, my Gatorade, some snacks and perhaps some splints and Bengay?!!!
Wish me luck. It’s all worth it of course, as after all
Bodyjam > Kegels
(I’ll let you do the math)
Wow!!!! 4 hours? you're an animal :) Have a great time, and good luck!
Oh, I'm sure you'll dance circles around them all! Good luck, and I'd go with "dark and sleek."
WOW, good luck!!! I know you will do great and look so cute while you are at it!!!
Have fun - see you soon - Kellan
Good luck, I hope you take some pictures, would love to see them.
Have a great weekend
Blog hopping by.....
Karen! You are my hero! I can actually see you hardcore dancing up a storm too! ;) Is my aunt participating in this too? She's told me about your mad dance skillz, yo! LOL! ;)
BTW, I think Lulu Lemon should be giving you a cut for all your purchases and blog promos! ;) Have fun!!! XO
Wow girl, you may have more Lulu than my Pilates instructor... and she has a lot. I am not sure I've ever seen her wear the same thing twice.
Have a grand time but you better take some energy bars.... 4 hours is a long time!
Oh how fun does that sound! I hope you have a great time!
Just bloghoppin' tonight!
Wow. I couldn't dance for four hours. And that's even if I could dance at all!
I'm actually jealous...I've always wanted to do a dance-a-thon!
Hope you have a great time.
Blog Hoppin',
Balancing Hops
Enjoy it!
I love all the lulu wear, especially th ehoodie.
That sounds like a blast!
Sorry I missed this on Friday... how'd the dance go? Hope it went well and that you're team kicked some dance fever butt!
Wow, how fun!! I haven't done a Dance-a-thon since... well, in a very, very long time. Did you last the four hours?
That is awesome! Sounds like so much fun.
good luck!! I'm probably late with this!
What a great cause. You must be some Cha Cha Cha dancer extraordinaire! Hope it went well.
Hey, Karen...I missed this post the first time around, so I was waiting for the post-marathon-report. Are you still recovering???
Heidi :)
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