Monday, April 07, 2008

Get up ... and still standing

Well, I survived. And it was an absolute BLAST!!!! I stayed on my feet jumping and dancing all night (in total almost 4 hours). I was sore, but I didn't dare sit down in case I wouldn't be able to get back up. The folks at the gym did an amazing job creating a party atmosphere; they had crudites and dip, crackers and cheese, fruit platters, disco lights and the instructors were all in fine form. One hard core bodyjammer came all the way from Kitchener (about a 2 hour drive) for the event!

I also made it through the "Oh SHIT, NO WAY" portion at the 2.5 hour mark (yeah, I actually screamed that when I recognized the music; in response my instructor TJ shouted out laughing "Oh YEAH!!!!":

So here are some pictures of the event:

TJ and his team looking badass in pink (LOL!). Krumping...

Here's my team with the lovely T in yellow (check her cool belly tassle, oh to be young again ...), TJ, Me (trying to hide and not look so much like these are my kids); and cutie L, who had to leave a little early...

Enjoying being kid-free a little TOO much don't cha think???

Brazilian singer dancing and singing next to me while I stretch my hand out for help :). This is about the 3.5 hour mark...

Here's the Brazilian drum band that played during the last part. They were wicked good.

The local news came by as well. They took plenty of footage during the band's segment - actually panned from my face down to my feet as I was trying to figure out what to do with them. Why didn't they come about an hour before while we were doing all the moves that I know in my sleep? Alas, I ended up on the cutting room floor ... except for the last millisecond. I think I saw half of my right foot on the TV screen as I caught the news after I got home.

In total there was about $3000 raised for this important event. Not bad for a not-so-large gym. Almost $475 of it by my team captain T alone (she is such a sweetheart!).

I had so much fun. Even though I came home and took a couple of Ibuprofen before hitting the sack, if I can keep up this addiction I will hopefully try this again next year.

Here's a little something to get you going for the week. Have a good one!


Laura said...

That looks like it was fun. look terrific and just as youthful as your team mates.

April said...

Congratulations!! That's awesome.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Good for you for surviving! It looks like fun but after 2 hours, I bet the "fun" part kind of wanes...

You fit right in with your team! Love your Lulu outfit, very chic:-)

Anonymous said...

Holy .. that looks like FUN!!! Congrats on taking part of that!!

LunaNik said...

Damn, girl! You've got some great energy to do that! Whoo Hoo! So proud of you!

Kellan said...

Aren't you adorable!!! That looks like fun, but a lot of work, no wonder you were tired/sore. Great job!! See you soon - Kellan

Unknown said...

Woot! Woot! You go, girlifriend! Congrats, Karen! That is awesome! You are so hardcore!! Love it!

Momisodes said...

Wow! 4 hours? You're an animal! And a hottie too ;) Loved the pics, and that song you linked to. Looks like it was success!

Anonymous said...

You are a rock star! Looks like a great time.

Anonymous said...

That looks like it was so much fun! Glad you made it through the four hours.

Curiosity Killer said...

You guys look like you're having so much fun! How are you doing today? Pain, pain and more pain?

Yeah, thumbs up to ya. I don't know if I'd survive that at all.

hugs, CK

Gina said...

Congratulations!! I really admire your energy. You are the coolest.

Family Adventure said...

Oh WOW WOW WOW. I am so impressed, Karen. You look GREAT, and it looks like so, so, so much fun! I'd do a spinning marathon, but I have two left feet, and could never do body jam. Which is a shame, because it looks like it was a blast.

Congrats on succeeding. You are an inspiration!


dkuroiwa said...

Wow!! The things one can learn from reading blogs....had no clue as to what a "body jam" was...and now that I've seen what it takes...You go girl!! I'll let you do it for me!!! I've got energy, but for would probably do me in!!!
How did you feel the next day?? My bones and muscles would be just a'cryin!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! You rock!!!!

Heidi said...

Wow! You are amazing. I wish I had that kind of energy, but alas, I last only about 20 minutes doing dance aerobics. Great job.

Ed (zoesdad) said...

I believe there is not enough motrin in the world to have me doing something like that. Looks like you had fun.

jennyonthespot said...

I. Am. SO. Jealous. Good job! Way to go! Rock friggin' on! Wow! I love to dance.... anytime, anywhere...

Karen MEG said...

Thanks for everyone's comments.

Don't know what it is, but I can do this stuff for 4 hours straight - but get me to take a hike in a conservation area and I'm winded in 20 minutes.

I hit the gym again today and it rocked!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Wow! That looks like fun... but yet painful at the same time.

María said...

That looks like it was fun!

Unknown said...

CONGRATS! That's a huge accomplishment, girl!!

Jay said...

How cute are you????
I'm glad you survived, sounds fun and exciting and exhausting. Nice!

Don Mills Diva said...

Yay for you- awesome!


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