In the past few months I have received the following from some great bloggers:
- yummy dark espresso chocolate and a fantastic book for writers, courtesy of the lovely Gina
- a Living the Dream T-shirt via the hilarious Kat
- and now the piece de resistance... a bag. Not just any bag, but a luscious COACH purse from the fabulous Melinda Zook!

So now I'll officially become one of those ubiquitous, annoyingly suburban moms in the minivan with her jug-0-coffee and her mandatory COACH purse. But hey, it's COACH, and it's CUTE and if that's what I'll be labelled, then so be it, because it's, well, it's COACH!!!!
Simmer down, simmer down.
But heh, you know me, always fighting the suburban encroachment into my otherwise cool life (who am I kidding, but please humour me).
I therefore present to you the following items which I just purchased for the summer, to go with my violet hair:
A) To Bodyjam in ...
that's how to stay young, working out with a picture of a much older, cooler woman from her younger years, plastered across your chest.
B) My BOGO purchase from Payless because the girlie wanted Princess light-up sneakers and you should always spend more to save less...
C) And these floaty Buffalo tops ...
I suppose that I may look like one of the Real Housewives of Orange County in these, only without the voluptuous boobs.
Anyone running a boob giveaway on their blog?
Yay for winning stuff!
And those shoes? I bought those a bit back too :-) I returned them though because I really found them uncomfortable.... the leather was too stiff for my liking :-)
I still love the look of them though!
Have I ever told you what spectacular taste you have? Whether that bag is Coach or not. It's still cute as hell and in my book that's all that matters.
@Kami- that's funny, those shoes are stiff, but the thing that kills me is the "clunking" sound they make... drives Ian nuts LOL!
@Frances - thanks, I try. And it is a cute bag isn't it?
I love the Blonde shirt... love Debra Harry.
Congrats on the Coach win... nicely done.
Woooo hoooo!! I'm totally lovin' the Coach bag! I luuuuuuuv me some Coach!
I totally hear ya on the wonderfulness of the bloggy world and bloggy friends. Hubby can't believe the stuff I get in the mail. He's constantly having to make trips to the post office. I swear, in a small town like this, the post office lady probably thinks we're up to no good! LOL! Yeah, it's that grow op we're starting. That was a joke, btw.
Anyway, my latest post was inspired by you (well, you reminding me of my habit of mixing up music lyrics)! LOL! ;)
I won a dessert cookbook - pretty exciting!!
Boob job giveaway. LOL!!!!
~blog hopping
Oooohhh . . . it'll all look so nice with your new COACH purse--lucky gal!
Payless + Coach=A Winning Combo!!!
Love it!
Hey! I lost your link and just found it again. Cute stuff. Like the shoes.
A good friend of mine is getting boobs! Amazing. We've laughed over fake ones over the years and now she'll have them... but amazingly, a great doc and only about 4 grand. I thought it would be a lot more. She's going from an A- to a B+. =)
It aint all that grand on the flip side, though. One day, when I'm done having kids, I'll happily cough up 4 grand to make mine smaller... so I can wear cute tops like yours without looking like a hooker.
Ah, so you're the lucky winner! Congrats!
Love it all! I'm thinking that I'm hitting all the wrong blogs lately, I've never won a single thing, let alone a freakin' Coach purse!!! You've got horseshoes up your bum woman.
Okay.. if you find a boob give away.. head for my blog. I NEED boobs.. I have been looking for them since the 6th grade.. ahaha
CONGRATS on all the wonderful wins!! That is awesome!
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