so my brain doesn't have to work so hard. Not that it ever does, most days, at least it feels that way. Should be interesting when I start to do some work in the fall...
Hubby is off for a few weeks; we'll see if he can stick to it and not check his crackberry overly much in the next little while. Perhaps if I just keep the kids after him round-the-clock that might do the trick.
I'm not great at these random thingy's, usually trying to carefully craft each post with brilliant precision (stop laughing), but it's Saturday morning, and this is what I feel like.
For breakfast:
Yes, Japanese pound cake from a Chinese bakery, likely made with pure lard.
Perfectly healthy, while I make my girl eat this:
Let's hope she manages to get a few flakes down without acting like I'm force feeding her fish food (but I suppose that's what they sort of look like). We don't want the drama of "Constipation the Miniseries" that happened earlier this week to go into reruns.
Other news on the girl front, well, here's her new sleeping buddy. (Never understood why anyone would think a RAT would be good stuffed animal material, but then I suppose my daughter is just that market...)
Hopefully her taste in sleeping partners improves with age.
This is the worst time for me to be having that type of breakfast, but I'm hangover free after a night imbibing 4 mojitos and fistfuls of Lays potato chips. I suppose this is what happens when I'm suffering from Bodyjam withdrawal. Not going to gym = pig out on all the junk in the house.
Yes folks, because I went a bit overboard on the last couple of sessions at the gym, my back feels like I've been playing...
24/7 for about a week. I'm forgetting that I don't have a 20-year old body anymore. It's fun to play with the 20 year olds, but the body is good at reminding me that it ain't all that any longer. Oy.
What will we be doing on vacay? Not a whole heck of a lot. A few day trips with the kids, stuff around the house, we still need to get the kitchen finally, finally finished because in addition to more Cowbell, we need a light in here....

And a garage sale is likely in order ... ugh...
I'll still be around, but likely posting sporadically (I know you don't believe me, but I'll give it a try, honestly I will!)
Have a great Saturday!
Hopefully her taste in sleeping partners improves with age. LOL! Karen, you crack me up! Wonder why Little G chose a rat as a bed-mate though? I think it's so funny how we tend to love cartoon (and stuffed) rats, mice, etc...and when we see them in real life, it's totally a different feeling! LOL!
Great post! I love the randomness! Random is good! ;) Have a great weekend! xoxo
I like the unfinished look. I keeps you from becoming complacent.
I love your kitchen! It's so modern and fancy...a new light will make you feel even better about it!
Mmmm, that pound cake looks fab and is making my toast look mighty pathetic.
Have a great time and don't work to hard :-)
Enjoy your vacation. You have reminded me I could use some Go Go's music for my MP3 player.
My parents have THE SAME RAT. Weird!
Your house looks so unfussy and clean! My house looks like a yard sale.
LMAO at you hoping her statement about her sleeping partners. Geesh, you are one funny lady.
That pound cake looks decadent, just my kind of breakfast! i love the stream of consciousness post. Enjoy the down time with Hubby.
You crack me up. I'm jealous that you get to be on vacation.
Hope you have a great vacation!
Eat what I say, not what I eat. Yup, pretty much the standing rule at the BusyDad household :) I LOVE those poundcake cupcakes. Hmmm I'm trying to decide what to have for breakfast right now...
I am starving and that pound cake looks DELISH!!!
"Japanese pound cake"....hmmm...we have a cake here called 'castella'...which when a foreigner asks what it is, the explanation of like pound cake is given....i'm very interested in this!!!
Your daughter sleeps with a rat? how cute is that?! :-D
and I'm sure that she, like most of us, will have a few rats in her "book of experiences"...try not to be too shocked!! :-D
and yes...randomness must something that is going around through the bloggin world!!!
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