It was my daily point of reference, my calculator, my diary, my medical chart ... all rolled into one. It was my life captured in a Milk calendar.
In reality, there were a few years' worth of calendars marked for "easy at a glance" viewing. I wasn't crazy enough to keep all of them, though. But this snapshot was a critical one. I should probably get it embossed.
I haven't posted about my infertility story in a while. Not because I'm avoiding it ... although the subject does take a lot out of me, much of which I have buried deep within. The story just deserves more than what a NaBloPoMo'd mind can give.
So the posts, they will be coming.
(This Flashback hosted by Colleen at Mommy Always Wins ... )
I probably have three years worth of calendars tucked away in my kitchen. I may have to pull those out and browse through them again.
You CAN'T ever throw them away . . .they're HISTORY! I keep thinking I should keep track "by hand", although logging on to fertilityfriend.com each day is much easier . . .
I found my Baby Calender from when The Dictator was teeny. I wrote everything down for that first 16 months or so - feedings, new foods, appointments etc. It was a hoot to look back at what we did with our days.
I love the little "L" turned smiley face!
I have mine on Yahoo! Calendar so I can update it while I'm at work, because darn it I forget when I'm at home. Plus I like that it sends me reminder emails that say "Should start . in 3 days" or "Possible O today".
I feel as if I'm building a pile of calendars like that myself. I bet it's a bit surreal looking back on those months. I think it would be tough to ever toss those away.
My husband laughs at me for keeping past calendars, but I love looking back and remembering things that don't stand out to me now.
Makes me wanna go home and pull them all out again!
And I'll be reading them with interest - I wondered when you would start up again...
Oh I have a few calenders like that lying around. Its hard to toss things that show such important times.
I have a few old calendars like that - as someone else already said here, its interesting to look back and see what my day-to-day activities were.
Thanks for linking up with my Flashback!
What caught my eye was the day 32 that was later crossed out and replaced with a day 1.
How familar and universal.
I look forward to the continuation.
Suitable for framing!
You kept them?
What a great flashback for you. They are a wonderful memory. I can't wait to hear more of your incredible stories.
That's just like me. I've got like 18 tupperware containers of my semen in the freezer.
Ok, not really.
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