Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Inspiration and girl power

I'm at an industry conference this week and a couple things that struck me
1/ there are still so many men in the CEO positions (women seem almost just token panelists )
2/ there is a lot of grey in the room -I know I would be among them if I weren't fortunate to have the benefit of hair colour.  Am I old in thinking that we need more young blood, more millenials to drive innovation?

I'm always on the lookout for a good read for book club.  The usual books we read are chicklit -but since I have limited time, even if a mindless read is often welcome.  However of late I am seeking more inspiration, maybe self help, perhaps seeking role models from successful career women 

I heard that the new book by Kirstine Stewart ( not Twilight, but Twitter) might be that book.  Looking forward to checking it out-anyone read it yet?

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