Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mindfulness, meditation or something else ...

As one gets older one hopes to get wiser.  Or at least not be so impatient about things-I mean who has the energy to get so wound up when you're in your second half century?

Well apparently I still do get wound up-which is why I NEED to get my Body jam and/or Body Combat on at least 4 times a week.  My husband can always tell if I haven't been to the gym in while -grrrrr!

But while my mind would love to keep up physically, my hips, back and joints have not been so cooperative in the last few months.  I would love to be able to workout to that level of intensity (to the point where I thought I might get Jam certified over a weekend last month -but I realized a couple of things...
1) I love my workouts but they are not my job.  I already have a fulltime job that requires 20% travel, plus a husband who travels and 2 kids and a crazy dog ...
2) if it becomes a job how fun would it be? And when could I teach? D'oh!!
3) the certification process required a two day training that apparently physically exhausts the best of them-I feel the pain after one hour -I would have been seriously crippled after 2days
4) it was my birthday celebration with my family -I don't turn 50 everyday so it was an easy decision. Hip hop workout the whole weekend with young, eager jam instructors or enjoy an evening of great iTalian food with my family, with wine, drink and being very merry. Hmmm that was a tough one.

I guess I'll train next time the process comes around, as a retirement strategy option.

Back to this post -what is a more appropriate softer gentler approach that I can incorporate into my mindfulness agenda? 

Why colouring of course! It's the latest trend in meditative therapy right?

I guess we'll see. At least I have something to do with all those pencil crayon sets that I purchase year after year as the kids never seem to be able to find last year's "complete" set.

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