Sunday, November 01, 2015

#NaBloPoMo sucks me back in...

I don't know what it is, whether it's the kids getting older, bigger, less interested in hanging out with us; work getting busy, stressful, crazy even...or maybe it's me hitting 50. WHAT? Yeah that just happened.

Whatever it is. I've been on social media more recently, facebook, twitter, as my online life and real world persona inch closer to each other.  And why not, these days with all things digital, it's all becoming one and the same.

My facebook and old blogging friend Melisa posted about NaBloPoMo today-a challenge that I first undertook 8-Eight! years ago. Maybe it's time to challenge myself again.

So day one DONE.

Even if no one's reading, let's see where this goes.


The Littons said...

Yay! Welcome back. looking forward to seeing what you can come up with...

BusyMamma said...

So nice to discover you blogging again!!! Just happened upon your posts and realized I missed them!!!


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