I look down at my shirt – did I dribble coffee, perhaps some milk from my breakfast cereal? I must be starting to lose some sensitivity around the mouth area lately, as evidenced by my more frequent need to launder my own clothes. Thanks, old age.
Then I realize that he’s pointing a bit further down.
“Muffin Top!” he says, laughing. And he didn't mean this:

Okay, who’s the smarty-pants who decided to expand my son’s vocabulary to use such rude language in describing his beloved mother? I suppose that would be me. I think during my discussions with his father about the benefits of the gym, that term came up, which to big ears required further definition. To be used against me in future.
I won't share with you a pictorial presentation of the aforementioned offending image. After all, it can't be pretty after one month of NOT going to the gym, one month of Christmas food, ski vacation food...you get the picture. Honestly, I kid you not, I would have been going to the gym regularly if it hadn't been for this vicious "pain in the respiratory arse" (which is STILL lingering, going to the doctor for some stronger drugs today).
I hauled myself to the gym last night for my favourite class. And although I did end up gasping mid-way through (wheezing, snorting, lungs and belly grasping for oxygen to increase the future burpage-factor to high), I did this as discreetly as possible. Because in case we do decide to go somewhere warm for a winter holiday, this is what I'd like to have:

One can dream.
That is so funny! Just goes to show you really have to watch what you say around them ;) And you are waaaaaay ahead of me in combatting the muffin top, lady. My puff pastry hasn't seen the gym since early December.
Karen I totally hear you on this...Norwegian chocolate and the lack of GoodLifes around here are doing a number on me. Or rather...increasing the number on my jeans size. It sucks :(
I'm sure any muffin top that Liam claimed he saw on your bod, however, was pure imagination...
LOL! Liam is so cute! Oh, and I cannot see you having a muffin top, sista! You are quite possibly the tiniest, slimmest person I've ever met!!!
OMG - I am totally counting on my son thinking I'm the most beautiful woman in the world until he's about 30. Muffin top is the BANE of my existence,
I have that very same dream. My muffin-top has grown to be a layer-cake top. Sigh.
I'm trying to loose my muffin top as well. Ummmm....muffins.....
Karen, if your son thinks you have a muffin top, I will gladly send him a photo of my muffin and it isn't just the top ;). Am working hard on it, but Christmas did not help.
Oh. The things kids say. Muffin top? LOL. Now, that is funny!
i don't think my boys know that term yet, although it would certainly be apt in my case, LOL!
Too funny, that tummy would be nice, but c'mon how many sit ups does that really take, nah.
Always fun when our own sons point out those things. I haven't been to my gym in months and I don't see it happening in the forseeable future. Perhaps I should schedule a vacation someplace warm to jumpstart me into action.
What a cute post! Me too - I want to look like that too!!! Good to see you, as always - see you soon. Kellan
Oh gosh I want that belly too!!! I want to work on it....sometime, seems sometime just never gets here! In the winter I just find it so hard, I like to be outside...the gym just doesn't excite me at all. I am dreamin too....of moving south.
Ok, if I'm there in person, I'd say "SHUT UP!" cause you're so THIN!!
I didn't even know this term muffin top till a few years ago. OMG, you know the world is just getting rougher and rougher when.
Heh heh. Hilarious, I can't believe he said that. I am sure he loves muffins!
Don't even go there...
But I can tell you it took over a month fro me to get ove my respiratory crap. Sheesh...
I hear you, oh how I hear you.
That Liam...too funny...
My muffin top has changed food groups. Can anyone say watermelon??? (I know, I know, I have an excuse...but it will be scary to see the deflated watermelon after the 9 months are up!)
Hope the respiratory crap eases up and goes away!
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