...for the following late breaking news.
This just in...

Whoo Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!
The Dad in this household promised his little boy a Wii for Christmas. And the Mom in this household, although she saw such console at Costco's back in October, hesitated to pick it up. Because it was agreed that the Dad would take care of it. But you know how it goes, woulda, coulda, shoulda. Dad dropped the proverbial ball.
And Mom got very busy around November and December. The little boy was so understanding and patient. He could wait, he said, and was fine on Christmas morning. Even though the one thing he'd really wanted was not under the tree.
January, then February. Mom is searching high and low; phoning places, popping into various stores. Everyone shaking their head. But then there's a light! Toys R Us expected a shipment in a couple of weeks ago; but Mom was told that her best bet was to line up at midnight, because come Saturday morning, once the doors open at 9:30 am, the Wii's are sold out by 9:35.
Well, I love my boy. But if anyone was going to wait, it would be Dad, don't you think?
Another round of phone calls this week. Just missed a shipment at Costco's - they got 60 in, but they came early last week and were snapped up by two individuals. You're freakin' kidding me?!! They are RATIONING these things at the other stores such as EB Games (who only get up to 5 at a time).
This morning, while having my coffee, my mind going through my day ahead, with plans to go to the gym and then the girlie's 3 year checkup at the doc's, I was casually flipping through my Loblaws flyer. What did I see? You guessed it, the holy grail of video systems (at least in this household). Advertised at our local supermarket.
I picked up the phone, called in a frantic panic and found out there were two left. And they couldn't hold one for me.
Grabbed my girlie, threw my gym bag in the car...you gotta remember it was Chinese New Year yesterday so I was not allowed to wash my hair/ shower yesterday and I hadn't yet gotten to that before I called the store. So there was generally dishevelled-me, and not in that sexy just-rolled in the hay way. Maybe rolled in something else.
Got to the store, ran in, screaming, "Do you still have the Wii?!" and watched as the girl pointed in slow motion to the wall that said "Wii's SOLD OUT!!".
But there, below the sign, sat TWO units, one of which had my name written all over it. Or more correctly, my boy's name.
I can't wait till I pick him up from school this afternoon.
Let the games begin...
You're such a great mom! Please, please, get a photo of his face as he sees it!
Woooo Hooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Getting, as in the obtaining part, a Wii is definitely an adventure, full of highs and lows. Enjoy!!!!
Yay for the WII!
My kids are too young for those so far but man this reminds me of the Cabbage Patch dolls when I was a kid :-)
I used to live in Ottawa and I remember the Loblaws stores :-) Here we call them Superstore.
Ps I wasn't ignoring you, we were away in the Bahamas!
Dude. I want one. So bad!
this is embarrassing but I didn;t know what a Wii was until Thanksgiving time! No joke! I have been under a rock!!
What a great Mum you are!
I have no idea what that game is but it sounds important for a little guy who was so patient and understanding at Christmas time.
I think it must be a universal thing, Daddies dropping the ball at Christmas time!
I loved the vision of your running into the store screaming, "Where are the WIIs??????" I'm glad you got one and hope your boy has a blast this weekend. See you soon. Kellan
Woooooooooo hooooooooo!!! Exciting stuff! Liam is going to be sooooooo happy!!!
Wow, what an adventure for a freaking console. lol.
I only laugh at this because my husband has gotten this household addicted to guitar hero and has been searching for a wireless guitar since Christmas. Yeah, they're always sold out too.
Blog hopping along.
Wow, I really wasn't aware of the demand for them.
WAy to go, Mommy.
Let the games begin!!!
Congrats!! I am amazed they are still so hard to find in the US. Up here in Canada they are stacked in stores. We just have trouble finding Guitar Hero...
Watch out for tennis elbow!
WAHOO!!! I'm soo, soo happy for you (and your whole family)!!!
What a great mom to persevere until she succeeded.
We love the Wii! I hope you play some of the games with him (even if it's just the sports like tennis or bowling).
We also love Super Mario Galaxy.
Have FUN!!
-blog hopping bimmgee
Wii is awesome. I do not normally like video games but I absolutely am ok with the Wii. I love how it gets you up and moving and burning energy.
Congrats on finding one. It can certainly be a challenge.
Weekend Blog Hopper
Anastasia Beaverhousin
We had that some problem last year, This year the boy wanted Guitar Hero to play on his Wii... no where, couldn't even order it. His sister comes home from college, hits K-Mart for supplies finds lots of them... woohoo... They are really cool games. Glad you found one.
blog hopper - etcetera
Congratulations on finding it! I did the Wii search for months.. My kids wanted it for Christmas a year ago and I really wanted to get it for them but I searched almost daily for six weeks before and never even saw a demo console! The poor kids had to wait until March.. but it was totally worth the wait!
I'm sure that will be one happy kid.
Blog hopping--HP
We went through the same horrors trying to get a Wii back in August, because I knew come Christmas there was no way! It is ridiculous how crazy out of control it has gotten! That being said it is the most fun thing we have ever played with, and so ADDICTING!
blog hoppin
the bombed mom
OMG- so cool and have fun. I heard they are great. You are such a great mom to search high and low.
We have a Wii and love it!
Cheers as we do some Weekend Bloghopping!>
weeeee for Wii!
blog hoppin
Mox on The Rocks
Will a Wii fold whites? No? What about put away the dishes?
WOW!! What an awesome surprise!! You rock mom!
Blog Hoppin'
Margarita Miss
I want one sooo badly! I can't believe they are still so hard to get, that is just insane. Have fun with it and good job :)
Oh boy....
Ever tried crack? I've heard it's the same ;)
Definitely get a pic of his reaction!!
Happy gaming!
Girl, my man works for EA Sports. I could've had a console shipped to you wihtin' days regardless of anything. Next time, lemme know if ya need anything. PeaceOut!
YAY! Congrats on finding on of those things! My husband & I decided that we would skip giving one another gifts at Christmas & would just get a Wii instead.
Well, we just got ours last weekend - hey, Christmas in February is just as fun. :)
Have fun with the Wii!
Squeeeee!!! I am, so happy for you all...have fun!!! We love our Wii almost more than we love each other!!!
Maureen, we are in Canada, Toronto to be exact. Not sure where you live, but they are still hard to find here. I was at EB games today and it was all eveyrone was talking about, where to get a Wii.
I hear they are on Craigslist though...
I've heard I need to grab one of those systems. Thanks for the fun post. Also thanks for stopping by our blog and leaving a comment. Have fun!
Good for you! Glad your little boy was nice on Christmas morning. Sounds like he deserves a Wii!
Oh man! I bought my son a Wii Christmas before last. Best gift I ever got me, uh, I mean him!
way to go! I can't believe they're still so hard to find after, what? over a year. Crazy!
Hot Mama
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