Friday, April 11, 2008

Fashion Friday: 42 going on 13

As they say, the best laid plans...

After the boy's little accident yesterday, it was no surprise that he woke up quite sore this morning. He came into my room at about 6:30 AM feeling tired, and asking if he could sleep in as long as he wanted. Seeing as it was already windy and so very messy outside, I didn't have the heart to make him go to school (and on top of that, honestly wanted to keep an eye on him .... you never know what shenanigans 7 year olds can get into...). I just let him snuggle next to me.

Rather than putting in a few good hours of work, I thought I'd just take pictures of the latest additions to my wardrobe. This activity squeezed in between breaks during my gig as the fetch-all person of the day (OMG, I don't even want to count all the drinks, snacks, meals, mini-meals I prepared for the two of them today).

Last week I tried to recapture my youth by dancing the night away with 20-somethings.

This week, while shopping for hoodies and caps with my almost 8 year old son we also found these....

... for ME!

Sort of funny that I'm trying to reinforce the art of tying shoelaces with my son, while on the other hand picking up these slip-on, prison issue, velcro numbers. And look, those are SKULLS!!!! I didn't even notice that until I bent down to do them up (I think bifocals are sneaking up on me). I asked the salesgirl if she thought I was too old to wear skulls; of course she wanted to make the sale, and "no one's ever too old to wear skulls". I fell for that line, boy did I!

And a liquidation centre recently opened close to my home, selling brand denim such as Buffalo, Parasuco, Mavi, accessories, housewares etc. At $3 a pop I had to pick these up ...

But don't worry, in case you're concerned, I haven't totally lost my marbles. I managed to find these Michael Kors flats a little while back, perfect for spring (at least, once the rain goes away).

And the boy? Well, he got so bored as the day wore on. Luckily for him, the grandparents called in concern, and he was conveniently up for going birthday present shopping.

Wii SuperSmash Bros Brawl ... Miracle cure or what?


April said...

Grandparents rock, don't they?

I like your pseudoo-camouflage shoes the best. They look soooo comfy!

María said...

Oooo how cute! I likey those shoes!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Love both pairs of shoes! I can't even see the skulls so I wouldn't think you were too old! But then again maybe I need bifocals too ;-)

Have to go back, I missed the accident, I hope he's okay!

Rima said...

Ha! Skulls and bi-focals. Now *that* rocks!

Ed (zoesdad) said...

The snoopy t's are cool. I'm a guy, I'm not supposed to ooh and ahh over the shoes am I?

Family Adventure said...

Hey, Karen, why's his arm in a brace? I Hope he really is OK.

I love your shoes. I actually have some that look very similar, so I can only commend you on your excellent taste :)

Happy weekend, Heidi

Anonymous said...

The skulls make me laugh. I don't know how I feel about them, they are everywhere, so it is hard to resist.

And the ballet flats are the nicest ones I have seen. I find it hard to get them to stay on me feet though. Do tell your secret if you have one (it could just be that my feet are too big for cute tiny shoes).

Looks like Liam is doing a bit better.

Maureen said...

Oh, I LOVE the Snoopy shirts!!!! I want.

I also want those runners.... skulls rock.

Blog Hoppin'

OHmommy said...

I puffy heart Michael Kors and I puffy heart you for having so much style. MWAH!

dkuroiwa said...

I am lovin' me those pink, skull shoes!! and Snoopy? always rocks!!

Momisodes said...

Aww, poor thing playing 1-handed Wii :(

LOVE both of those shoes! I'm all about non-laces. I agree that you're never too old for skulls!
Those shirts are also adorable. What a great find. I wish I could take you shopping with me :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like you did good! Hope the little guy is feeling better!

Anonymous said...

You're only as old as you feel! I love the velcro skull shoes!

Unknown said...

LOL! Oh, Karen! Just reading this post had me laughing...only because I could almost imagine you telling me the story of those skull/velcro shoes in person!

You have got so much zest for life and so much energy, it's amazing!

Hope Liam's doing okay :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I love the Michael Kors flats.. I am a sucker for cute flats!!


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