Friday, September 19, 2008

Now this is how the day should start...

As I'm rushing the kids and helping them get dressed in order to meet the schoolbus that is due in a matter of minutes, the Boy notices something.

"Mom, is that white hair I see on your head?"

I reply with a sigh in my voice,

"Probably. It's from the stress, sweetie. It's a busy time for me now, so I haven't had a chance to colour it. And Mommy's getting old."

He puts his hand through my hair, lifts it through his fingers and says,

"Wow, there's quite a bit..." with wonder on his face.

But then he smiles at me and says,

"It's actually silver, Mommy. Silver is WAY cool."

My boy, my heart.


Martin said...

and yet if his father said it you would knee him in the groin...

Miss said...

Because the hubby should know better X.

When our kids tell us stuff like that, its adorable.

Badness Jones said...


María said...

*lol* @ XBox.

Anna-b-bonkers said...

And funny how it is only OK and cute from a kid!

OHmommy said...

Oh Karen. Silver IS awesome, what a sweet boy.

Ed (zoesdad) said...

Yeah, I'd have gotten the knee.

Karen said...

Kids are so brutally honest. I've never thought of it as WAY COOL before.

April said...

Wish my kids were that sweet. They make fun of me for my silvers!

louann said...

Sweet little boy!

imbeingheldhostage said...

That's it, buy the kid whatever car he wants...
I stopped coloring my hair (my hair got old WAY before me) and I am really enjoying it.

Laski said...

Woo hoo! I've got lots of silver (or dare I say platinum . . . ) hair myself!!!

We should start a club . . .

Melissa said...

That is a sweet thing to say. :) Smart boy.

Unknown said...

Awwwwwww! Too sweet! :)

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Awww...must keep that in mind when my boy starts to notice the grey!

Momisodes said...

Silver? That is precious! :)

KJ said...

Hello, gorgeous. Its been a while.
Gotta love that boy.

Heidi said...

My husband once asked if I had been painting after noticing white in my hair. I laughed because he is almost all gray!


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