Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekly Winners -I can't work this thing

The husband took my smaller Powershot with him on his trip to Copenhagen, and was so busy he had time to take but one photo. And it was raining all week.

But he did leave me his Canon Rebel SLR to use for photos, and it scared me.

So I didn't take any photos until yesterday, after he got back, when I realized that I needed to take a better shot of my boy for some cards that I'm making to take to BlogHer.

Neat camera, though.

I guess the hubs really does love me though cuz he bought me these...

(they're now hidden though, these Lady G's are MINE, MINE, all MINE!!!)

For more photo fun, check the home of Weekly Winners, chez Lotus.


Jeanette said...

Yummy chocies!!

Rachel said...

nom nom nom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cute pics of 'da boy ;_)

perpstu said...

Adorable pictures of your son!

Kim said...

Oh I soo need that chocolate.. and SLR's are scary until you tame that beast.. :)

Love the photos though.. too cute!!

Cheryl said...

I really crave a good camera...
Those chocolates would last all of 10 minutes with me!

Ingrid said...

the pictures came out very nice !
Yes, we have bad weather in northern Europe, in Belgium it rains too since two weeks at least !

Kori said...

He is so sweet looking, the boy, and of course the husband for bringing home chocolates!

Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

In the future, can you put a warning before you post pictures of Godiva chocolates? I am on a diet and PMSing and I didn't need that torture. Plus, now I have to clean my saliva off the monitor from licking the photo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures. I love the one with the glass.

MrsSki said...

Firstly, great pictures! I love the first one! Then again, I'm somewhat obsessed with close-ups!

Secondly, I am drooling over those chocolates. YUMMY!!!

Unknown said...

Sooooooooooooooooo jealous you're going to BlogHer without me!!!

BTW, if you guys come visit us this summer, I'll take you to the Chocolate Works!!! Yummmmmmm!! How's that for bribery? LOL! xo

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Oh my word. Drooling over here. YUM!

Momisodes said...

That is so sweet of him. I wouldn't share either :)

So glad you had a chance to play with the Canon! While in Florida, I borrowed my dad's Nikon, and I was incredibly nervous (and lost) using it. They do take wonderful photos though!

LadyHAHA said...

your boy is seriously cute!! and those chocolates just made me drool on my keyboard. Damn you woman!! ;p

Amanda of Shamelessly Sassy said...

must.have.the.chocolates. I'm on a diet, and I want chocolate so badly.

Unknown said...

Sorry did you say something? I can't get past the box of chocolates....hahahGreat Post! Stopping by from SITS!


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