Just slippin' in under the wire, but I'm here! Please visit my blog gal pal Mrs. 4444 at the home of Friday Fragments.
Well you know that I've been totally crushing on some young men lately - I should know better, but maybe that's what happens as you get older. The fact that I've convinced myself that my husband has an even slight resemblance to one of the hottest young actors around right now, has certainly proven that I'm living in my own fantasy version of reality.
I don't know if you've heard the latest frothy dance tune from Jay Sean, but it has a distinctly reggae dance-hall influence due to the contribution of Sean Paul. I'm not one to really analyze lyrics, especially many of those from today's songs ("Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" it ain't...)
But listening to the catchy tune...
"I’ve been thinking about you
And how we used to be then
Back when we didn’t have to end we could start again"
I can't help but think of the trips that we used to take as a couple before we had kids. Fun in the sun and more fun ...just the two of us. See this? This was our first trip together about 20 years ago.

And with the advent of the kids, that part of our life did end.
Last weekend the husband got this mad urge to go shopping for clothes. For himself- can you believe it? He needed a nice wool coat, and new dress pants. And he wanted my input. Of course I was only too happy to oblige. After all, my husband hates to shop, and I have what you might call a shopping "problem". To give you some perspective, he actually wore a pair of pants to work with pleats in them - they were nice pants, Hugo Boss, but shall we classify them as "vintage" as in he looked quite at home doing the "Can't touch this" dance down the hall. A colleague got the period bang -on as he pinned them as circa 1995. Carbon dated it. Yes, it's been a couple years since he's bought himself a really nice suit.
So off we went, with kids in tow. We put ourselves in the hands of a true professional salesman. He had the man try on a couple of nice wool coats. The first coat fit like a dream and the man didn't want to take it off. He did look great in it. The second one he tried on had a Euro look which brought to mind Chris Martin. Now that's more like it. They didn't have his size though.
Then he brought us over to the suit section.
Shall we say that Hugo Boss has certainly improved in 2010? Uh, YEAH.
The man slipped on a three piece charcoal number, broad shoulders, straight slim legs, no pleats in sight...he looked seriously hot. At one point I thought I could have merrily had my way with him... well, if it weren't for our kids who were using the stroller and the comfy leather club chairs to build a fort and the salesguy who would have been there to bear witness to some middle-aged crazy.
You see, the man, he still has that effect on me. Even when we're bone tired, stressed to the max with the jobs, the day to day of getting the kids into their routines ... there's still that spark even if we're too exhausted to do much about it most of the time.
But maybe that's the secret to the success of our relationship.
Our ability to remember what we were like, what we had, and to know that we've still got it.
"do you remember
All of the times we had
Let’s bring it back "
I do think there's something about a man in a nice fitted suit!
hugo boss is my favorite, it MAKES me giddy to spend the money when hubby tries on a HB suit!
I like that song too, just downloaded it...
I'll take any trip at this point, with or without kids, just to escape my house!
I found this to be a very touching post. You guys still dig each other and that's awesome.
This post makes me happy! Isn't it nice when it hits you out of the blue that you still have the hots for your hubby and he feels the same way about you? It makes for a great day!
Very sweet. Stupid kids and salesman and public thing getting in the way of you getting your groove on. I hate when that happens.
that is so sweet, great FF :)
Aaaahhhh. I think I'm jealous.
Isn't it wonderful to realize that the feelings are still the same? It makes me look forward to paying college tuition. Now if I could just get my guy to give up pleated pants!
I really wish my husband's company hadn't switched to business casual. Siiiigh...
Amiable fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
This made me smile! I love how much you are still attracted to your hubby. I feel the same way about mine. Though we have never splurged on a Hugo Boss suit...hmmmmm.
We don't get pictures oh him in his new gear??!?! What kind of blogger are you?!?
Mr.4444 still does it for me, too. We are so lucky...
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