Welcome to my first edition of Friday Fragments of 2010. Please visit my blog gal pal Mrs. 4444 at the home of Friday Fragments.
So how did your first week of 2010 go?
I've got a new mantra. Not that I'm big on resolutions. But I think my husband stumbled onto something. "The home should be our sanctuary" he says. So I am trying my hardest not to be a stressbag on such a regular basis. It's tough, let me tell you. But I'll give it the old college try (where the heck did that saying come from, anyway?). My attitude so far this year? If things in life get ridiculous, just laugh about it. No stress, life's too short.
We'll see how long it lasts.
Alcohol is certainly helping.
I've been thinking about what to do with this blog. There's no doubt about it - it was my slowest blog year in a long time, and I'm so tired sometimes I can barely think let alone come up with a semi-coherent post. I can't and I won't blog about work, which is occupying so much of my thoughts and time. I feel a bit out of touch with the kids and the hubby for obvious reasons. I was pretty pumped about BlogHer 10 given my 09 experience, but things have changed. I've thought about shutting it all down.
But I got an e:mail out of the blue the other day. From my sister, who knows about my blog but doesn't have the time (nor the inclination, I thought) to read it very often. And she said she enjoyed getting caught up, that it really captured how the kids had grown, and that it made her miss Dad. Miss him in a good way. I know what she meant.
So I'll keep this going. Whether I manage to write daily, or barely a post a week, I don't think I can stop. It really is too precious.
I caught a few of good movies over the holidays:
"Up in the Air" with George Clooney, doing the George Clooney thing - but the ladies in the movie stole the show. Great movie. Gives a whole new meaning to work travel - I could learn a thing or two.
"The Princess and the Frog" -in old school Disney animation which I thoroughly enjoyed, perhaps more than the girlie did. She wanted to leave after the first hour (nap time). I wouldn't let her. The message, the music - it was all wonderful.
"The Hangover" - which I finally rented. O.M.G. I LOVED it! The hubs saw it when it was out in theatres, and thought I'd like it (I tend to like guy-humour way too much for a 40-ish Mom, eg. "40 year old virgin, Superbad, Knocked Up, I Love You Man, Old School, Pineapple Express"-come to mind with a giggle).
And this guy ... sigh...

I think I'd mentioned before that the hubs looked like him about 15 years ago (ouch, I know)... but I think Bradley will do okay if he turns out looking like the hubs 15 years from now. Just sayin'.
And the boy was keeping the compliment wave going, telling his dad that he looked like he was this guy's brother...

Or uncle.
Now THAT's an ouch!
Happy weekend all!
I'm glad you're going to keep checking in; it's like going out for coffee with you :)
I laughed out loud about the alcohol punchline-very funny! :)
I'll have to put The Hangover on my list. Have you seen The Proposal? It's great!
Have a great weekend!
I like the home as sanctuary idea. It should be a refuge rather than a source of angst, but it is difficult to create that atmosphere sometimes. I'll make a note of your alcohol recommendation ;-)
Have a great weekend!
Please don't shut down. I don't get here very often, but I enjoy it when I do!
Sanctuary is a great way to describe what home should be. I like that.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Yep, the Hangover was probably the BEST movie I saw in 2009. Glad to see you are gonna stick around, I hate to see people losing their inspiration to write!
I still haven't seen the Hangover. D'Oh!
I'm definitely putting the Hangover on my list to rent - and I still need to take Princess Nagger to The Princess and the Frog.
Glad you're not going to shut down...and I hope you're going to BlogHer 2010 - I'd love to meet you in person! :)
I'm glad you're sticking around, too!
I loved loved loved Princess and the Frog.
Happt belated new year-and I think most of US will be here whether you poast daily or weekly or monthly.
Wow, if hubs EVER looked like Bradley Cooper, then you are one da** lucky lady!!! He is a hottie!
Confessions From A Working Mom
I love this idea, might do that right now,I was feeling kinda bummed out at home and this got me thinking :)
I am glad that you are sticking around, I'd miss you. I was all pumped thinking I might go to BlogHer 2010 but now I am thinking, Meh. I ahve thougth about shutting it down too but realized I was in it for the wrong reasons.
I love your Friday Fragments - it give us a bite out of your life :)
lol We rented The Hangover on demand, and liked it enough to watch it two more times in the 24 hr period it was available. I saw a trailer for Youth in Revolt, and they mention it has "that guy from the Hangover in it" meaning Alan. That looks hilarious too.
Geez, I feel so out of touch with the world! I hadn't heard of any of those movies.
Good luck with making home a sanctuary. If I was more ambitious I'd do that too ;)
I "Friday Fragmented" about the Hangover too..lol It was hilarious, but hopefully you didn't watch it alone like I did.
:) Blogging is really precious. I have enjoyed going back and re-reading what was going on in my previous posts...that's motivation to keep going right there. Have a great weekend.
I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only one with a slow blog year. I can't believe I used to post twice, sometimes three times a week. Now I can barely muster up three posts a month.
Life sometimes sucks up the little pleasures we have and I think that's my only resolution this year. NOT to let that happen. Keep blogging as much as possible!
I'm glad you're going to keep checking in no matter how often or infrequent the posts may be. I don't stop by all the time to comment but I always read and enjoy your posts in my Google Reader.
I look forward to sharing your experiences this year!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest....even though its Sunday. Catching up on my SITS! Funny....this isn't the first time I've visited your blog. I like to catch up on all the good movies in the winter....I don't like going to the movies much. I mean, they don't serve wine there or weight watchers okayed popcorn.
I have similar struggles with myself about the fate of my blog. I have lost all interest in writing every day, and I don't have the time or energy to put into it like I used to, and the whole blogging thing has changed a lot in the last year or two anyway. But I do enjoy it still, and I like hearing family and friends say that they enjoy keeping up with me through it. So I'll keep it up, for now.
Regarding movies, I really liked Up In The Air as well. Really good. Really captured the malaise of this specific time we're living in right now.
Hangover, I'm sorry to say I was bored by. I did love Knocked Up, I Love You Man, and 40-Year-Old-Virgin, though. This one just didn't keep up, for me.
I will take whatever post you can offer, I love reading our blog, glad you are staying!
never saw any movies over the holidays...the twin thing takes up alot of time....sigh....but maybe sometime in 2010 I will get there!
PS: Both men...HOT, which means yay! for your hubby...men age well..period.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love this post! BTW, now that you mention it, your hubs DOES look like that guy!!!
Mr. Cooper....sigh. He's VERY easy on the eyes! Thanks for stopping by my blog..and I totally agree on the "sanctuary" feeling of home. Mine needs to start with me de-stressing, a lot!
HOw?! You managed to get two of my favourite eye candies into one post! YUMMY. This post made my day.
If you stop posting, whatever you do, don't shut it down!
I'm loving the "The home should be our sanctuary". We both bring stress home which is hard not to do when you have your own business, but we also don't treat it physically like our sanctuary which we both really want to do. We feel such a difference in our emotional health when the home is organized. Who knew that leaving a piece of mail on the coffee table could be so irritating? Then again, maybe its about letting go of that irritation. :-)
As you know I have also really struggled with my blog and I really want to try to get some posts going again. Not only do I find it a great way to document and to share information but its a great form of therapy for me too.
If only it didn't physically hurt me to type.... yet I still do it everyday. I have ordered some speech recognition software so maybe that'll help revive the blog!
I was just sharing one of my favorite lines from Knocked Up with my boss last week...not sure she entirely got the humor. LOL You know the part...where they pull her into the office when she's already like TEN months pregnant and mention how "so, we're going to need to talk about....THIS," and wave their hands in the general vicinity of the belly. I giggle every time. It's how I wanted to (not)break my own pregnancy news.
Blogging is all about what you want from it. If it's once a month, we'll see your update in our blog readers and come on over. :) Keep working at the life/work balance. It'll all even out over time.
I'm happy that you are going to keep going with your blog. I can't post as much as I would like either. Hope your job is going well even if you can't write about it.
Home as a sanctuary sounds nice. But where else can you safely vent if not at home. Alcohol does help! LOL!
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